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Foto Noruega Schmap


La gent de Schmap ha seleccionat una foto meva de la Gol Stavkirke al Norsk Folkemuseum d’Oslo per a il·lustrar la seva guia d’Oslo (Noruega).

Stavkirke i Gol - Norskfolkmuseum (Oslo)

L’esglesia de fusta de Gol fou construida al voltant del 1200 a la localitat de Gol (Buskerud, Noruega) però el 1907 va ser desmuntada, traslladada a Oslo i tornada a muntar dins del Norskfolkemuseum.

Foto original:Stavkirke al Norskfolkemuseum d’Oslo
Foto a la guia d’Oslo: Schmap Oslo Guide – Events – Bygdí¸y
Wikipedia: Gol stavkirke (en noruiec)
Stavkirke.org: Gol stavkirke (en noruiec)

Hi Joan,

I am writing to let you know that one of your photos with a
Creative Commons license has been short-listed for inclusion
in the third edition of our Schmap Oslo Guide, to be
published early September 2007.


Best regards,

Luke Ritchie,

Hi Joan,

I am delighted to let you know that your submitted photo has been selected for inclusion in the newly released third edition of our Schmap Oslo Guide:

Norsk Folkemuseum

If you like the guide and have a website, blog or personal page, then please also check out our schmapplets – customizable widgetized versions of our Schmap Oslo Guide, complete with your published photo:


Thanks so much for letting us include your photo – please enjoy the guide!

Best regards,

Emma Williams,
Managing Editor, Schmap Guides

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